Dear Lord,
I am the rule maker.
I am the one who tells them to "drink your milk", to "put that down", to "stop that", and "go to bed."
I say "no" a lot. And sometimes that's the right thing to say.
I am also their teacher. And I love this part of being their Mommy.
But what I really want to be, the the one who turns their heart toward You.
Who I really want to be is the one who plays cars, has the time to make them cookies, and catches lightening bugs in a jar.
What I really want to say is, "YES! We can have another adventure today!!"
And I want to put aside my chores and all my grown up things and spend that precious time with them.
Because tomorrow they'll be grown.
And my chance to do those things with them will be gone.
You made a point in Your Word to let the little children come to You. And I want that to be my heart words, too. I want my children to know they always have a place on my lap.
I want my arms to feel their body's so that I can remember what it felt like to hold them when they're grown.
I want my eyes to stare at their little faces and smiles so that I can close my eyes and remember back when theirs eyes filled with excitement the first time they saw or did something.
I want my hands to hold their little hands and I want to remember how their little fingers feel next to mine...
They are truly a gift from You. Let me always remember this.
Will You make me this mom?
The mom that has time instead of tasks.
The mom that doesn't mind using all the blankets in the house to make forts.
The mom that takes time to read the Bible to her children. And sing "Deep and Wide", Running Over", B-I-B-L-E" and "This Little Light"...
I want my children to remember me as the one who smiled, chased them around the house, tickled them, laughed with them, loved them, and taught them about You.
Not for my glory, but all for Yours.
Let me be the Mother that honors You in all I remember that My Cup Runneth Over.
And never let me forget that I am Your child, too.
Thank you for my many blessings.