Monday, January 16, 2012

With our pitchers we attempt sometimes to water a field, not a garden.” 
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh

To do this week: Determine what your garden is, and water it well.

This year I am going to write a family Mission Statement. My family is my primary ministry and I need to spend some time focusing on what that entails and where I need to be spiritually to do all that God asks of me.

Every day I get up early to read my Bible and pray and sometimes play a song on YouTube and sing along with it. It is a most necessary part of my day and I look forward to it every day!

Here are some tips I found on TheBetterMom website:
1.Find some time to be alone and quiet for a few minutes and pray.
2.Get a piece of paper and write VISION at the top.
3. Write down all the things the Lord brings to mind regarding a vision for your life and  home.  Look back on your family mission statement.
4. Take an honest look at your commitments, schedule, and time management.  How do these things line up with your vision board? What changes do you need to make?
5. Take a minute to jot down your priorities in order of importance.  This is how you choose what to say yes to, and what to let go.
 6. Now, you have to actually say NO. Armed with these tools, you can easily see what doesn’t line up.
A mother’s time is precious. Every new responsibility we take on dilutes our effectiveness in our other roles. We must guard our energy, time and family wisely.” -Kat, Inspired to Action
My motto this year is: Do a few things well. Or, put another way, Do fewer things and do them better.
We can’t do it all ladies, so why not focus on doing our top priorities well? Doing things well takes time.  Again, don’t underestimate how much time it really does take!

I found this from TheBetterMom blog and made them my own as they are exactly 
what I want my priorities to be!
- time alone with the Lord, cultivating my relationship with Him, time to be still in His presence
- a girlfriend and cheerleader to my husband….one that is nice and kind
- a fun, loving mom and teacher who has TIME.
- exercise, getting out in creation
- simple, beautiful housekeeping and homemaking-clean, organized, simple, healthy
- caring friend-available for hospitality, meals, watching kids
- reading and blogging
-reaching out and sharing God’s love with others
A quote I want to somehow add to my blog is:

Show me, O LORD, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.Psalm 39:4
 It goes along with my One Moore Day theme- teach me to number my days that I may apply my heart unto me my lifes end O life is fleeting by!

Ordering things according to importance is incredibly freeing.  
When I have to choose, the top priorities always come first.
You can easily see what needs to take precedence in your life. To take this a step further, you can create a schedule for your life based around these things.  I have heard about the ebook, Tell Your Time. I haven't read it, but it sounds like a very good book full of tips about spending our time wisely.

So don't go throughout life trying to water a field- water your garden! Whatever it is- water it well!

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