Friday, March 30, 2012

31 Days of Prayer for Your Husband, Yourself & Your Children

I recently found a blog that I fell in love with. It's everything I want to read about, look at and learn from. It's the me I want to be! I have found so many inspiring things on the internet and can't wait to incorporate them into my own home and family! I am a crafty girl that does everything by the C.A.S.E method {copy and steal everything}. When I'm being good I call it: "Search and Reapply". :D

Anyway, there was this blog of prayer cards that she posted. 31 days of different prayers~ deep, meaningful prayers~ for our husband and prayers for you as a wife and as a mother as well a prayers for your children.

Just in time for the first of April so get your printers ready and click on the link below to print them out!

I'm going to print them out, cut them out, laminate them, hole punch them and put them on a ring and keep them on my dresser so that every morning I can go through each prayer card and pray God's blessings over my husband as he works hard each day, for protection for him and for salvation for my sons. I want God to do something in me as a wife so that I am a jewel far above rubies...I want my sons to rise up one day and call me me blessed. I am going to be a prayer warrior this year as well as pray for my warriors!

I pray you print this out to make your own prayer ring and bathe your family in prayers as well! 

Here's a look at what the prayer cards say...

For Your Husband
Day 1: Pray that he would grow spiritually & consider his accountability before the Lord. That he would guard his heart by developing spiritual disciplines {Bible reading, study & prayer}.

Day 2: His relationship with God & His word would bear fruit in his life. That he would be a man of wisdom & understanding, fearing the Lord.

Day 3: He would be quick and humble to agree with God about his sin...that his heart would be tender towards the voice of the Lord.

Day 4: He would grow in leadership skills providing and protecting us. That he would lead me wisely and love me sacrificially so that God would be glorified in our marriage. 

Day 5: He would be faithful to our wedding vows...that he would have a desire to cultivate our relationship as a sign of his loyalty and commitment to me & as a picture of Christ's love for the church.

Day 6: He would love righteousness & hate wickedness, especially the evils of the culture. And recognize & avoid wickedness in his own life & take a clear, strong stand against evil.

Day 7: He would safeguard his heart against inappropriate relationships with the opposite sex. That his heart would be pure and undivided in his commitment to me.

Day 8: That he would work hard for our family...that the character qualities necessary would be a growing part of his character {persistence, decisiveness, strength & determination}.

Day 9: He would handle finances wisely, having discernment concerning budget and investments & will be a good steward of our money and that money will not become a source of discord for us.

Day 10: He would cultivate a strong integrity and not compromise convictions...that his testimony would be genuine, honest in his business and never do anything to hide from anyone.

Day 11: He would have a humble, teachable spirit and a servant's heart before the Lord...that he would listen to God and desire to do his will.

Day 12: That he would yield his needs to the Lord and practice self control...that our intimacy would be fresh, positive, and a reflection of selfless love. 

Day 13: He would use practical skills to build our family and make wise decisions for our welfare...that he would serve unselfishly.

Day 14: He would speak words that build me and our family & reflect a heart of love...& that he would not use filthy language.

Day 15: He would choose friends wisely...that God would bring him men who would encourage his accountability before Him, and will not lead him into sin.

Day 16: He would choose healthy, god-honoring activities. That he would not live in bondage to nay questionable habits or hobbies, but will experience freedom in holiness as he yields to the Spirit's control.

Day 17: He would enjoy manliness as he patterns his life after Christ & strong men in the faith. For his mental, physical, emotional, social & spiritual strength.

Day 18: He would have an eternal perspective...that he would reject materialism and temporal values and put God first in His life.

Day 19: He would be patient and a man of peace...that he would not give in to anger but would allow the Holy Spirit to control his response.

Day 20: He would yield his mind and thoughts to the Lord and not entertain immoral and impure thoughts. 

Day 21: He would learn how to relax in the Lord and and find joy and peace in his relationship with God, in his greatest times of stress and that he would submit his schedule to the Lord.

Day 22: That he would practice forgiveness in our relationship as well as with others in his life...that he would recognize any roots of bitterness and yield any resentment and unforgiving attitudes to the Lord.

Day 23: He would be a good father to our children, disciplining them and loving them unconditionally. 

Day 24: He would have a balanced work and play. That he fears God but also gains respect of those he works with and goes to church with.

Day 25: He would be courageous in his stand against evil and injustice and stand for the truth. Protection against against Satan.

Day 26: He would discover and live his God-given purpose. That he offers his dreams to the Lord. 

Day 27: He would understand the importance of taking care of his body- the temple of the Holy Spirit- that he would make wise food choices and exercise to stay healthy. 

Day 28: He would be a man of prayer...seeking and pursuing God in quiet, purposeful moments. 

Day 29: He would surrender his time and talents to the Lord. That the spiritual gifts he's been given will manifest in his work, home and at church.

Day 30: He would serve others with pure motives...that he will obey the Lord from his  heart and glorify God in everything.

Day 31: He would recognize the lies of the Enemy in his life...that his attributes and actions will be guided by the truth as he brings his thoughts into captivity to the word of God.

 For Yourself As A Wife
  • Help in my role as a wife to be submissive, loving, attentive, nurturing, respectful.
  • Help me to be forgiving and not resentful, to be physically pleasing to my husband {selflessly}. 
  • Help me to keep myself healthy and together, my home warm, inviting, clean and presentable- a safe haven where my husband can escape from the world. 
  • Help me to confront sin in kindness and be positive and supportive.  
 For Yourself As A Mother
  • To be loving and gentle; consistent in discipline. Nurturing, diligent to teach my children the Bible, an example of godliness, to discipline in love {always} and that my children might one day "rise up and call me blessed" {Proverbs 31:28}.
 For Your Children
  • For their genuine salvation.
  • For their future spouse.
  • For them to have love & respect for their parents and those in authority over them {with teachable spirits}
  • Courage to stand up against temptation and peer pressure.
  • Morally and physically pure until marriage.
  • Physical protection from harm. 

If you would like to print out the prayer cards for yourself click here!
Let's pray for our husbands and children and may we be molded ever more to the image of God and bring Him glory and honor!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunshine fun!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A little LOL...

SO true! :D 
Gotta love your kids! 
God's miracles and blessings!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy Birthday's Are Overdue!!

It has been over a month since my last post?!
It really feels like three!

So much has gone on in our lives since January 30th I'm not sure if I can even remember it all...

Let's summarize and say we have added 2 members to our household for a short while until my sister can get situated in her life. Divorces are hard on everyone!

Wesley has had three ear infections in the past three months and is going this Thursday to have tubes put in at Children's. We have to be there really early, like 6:15am. That's hard on a 16 month old and two parents who have barely slept a wink in the past three months. Especially the past month!!!

Charlie has also had an ear infection and runny nose. But Wesley was worst. We joke that he has had a runny nose since birth, but truthfully, it started at 2 months old. We had two months of no drool or mucous. So much for not needing bibs.

Wesley doesn't talk. It would help if he could actually hear us. So we are so excited to see him grow and change and learn and achieve many things in life, starting with being able to speak properly.

So, then after the multiple Dr's visits we got to celebrate Jeff's birthday!! And my brother and his wife welcomed their baby boy Elijah Lee into the world the same day!!

I made a chocolate cake and it was delish! I love my husband and I'm so happy we got to spend another year together. However hard our last eighteen months have been (and they have been torturous) I'm so glad I have a friend to lay in bed next to and say, "I love you. Now keep me warm!" And to discuss the days events and upcoming things to do.

Here's Jeff's cake and Elijah!

                                                                 What a sweetheart!