Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Sweet Life {for real}

Boy have we been busy!! I'm sure it's the same with you, too!
This month is almost over already and soon we'll be into July and holiday festivities...
Then back to school in August and another year full of AWANA craziness in September...
Trunk or Treat and the coolest old car show in October...

Ok, ok, ok...I know, it won't be that quick and it sounds like I've got the rest of the year all planned out.
But really, that's how life goes! Before you know it, the day is over, the week is over, the month is over, the year is a blink.

I take lots of pictures, not because they are great, but because my kids are great. My LIFE is great!! Sure, it has it's busy times that are exhausting but then you have times like today- Saturday- when the kids are sleeping and the fan is blowing and you have time to blog about not having any time! :)

I am going through a chapter in my life where I'm making sacrifices to get to a point where we as a family can move forward in life and go, do, see, explore, create, learn, and discover new things. Where me as a mom can learn new things too and make my home a place that reflects my heart, my passion for life and my commitment to my God and my family. Soon- I'll get to embark on all those great things. But for now, it's working and sacrificing and praying for God's blessings and direction, strength and purpose.

So, while I could get all flustered that I don't have an iPhone, or an iPad, or anything that starts with an "i" or has any ounce of coolness to it whatsoever- I'd rather enjoy what I do have and live like nobody else- so that one day I can live like nobody else!

So, if you're in the same boat as we are (saving money, striving to get ahead, or like us, paying off your house) be comforted in the fact that you are not alone and one day it'll pay off big time! The success of financial freedom is more valuable and liberating than any accessory! True dat!

Also, rumor has it that having no mortgage has replaced the BMW as a status symbol and those with no debt are fewer and farther between than ever before.

So, go work hard money bags- and smile while you're at it. You're in the minority- and that's a great thing!

And get ready to live the sweet life- for real!

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